DC Database

"Captain Marvel: "Captain Marvel Fights the Television Trap!"": There’s a big green T-Rex in the middle of a city on the planet Thavia, so Captain Marvel flies in and punches it over, being filmed by two long-legged alien Thavians wearing Bulletman helmets. A Thavian Zoo Keeper runs in and says

Whiz Comics #131 is an issue of the series Whiz Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of March, 1951.

Synopsis for Captain Marvel: "Captain Marvel Fights the Television Trap!"

There’s a big green T-Rex in the middle of a city on the planet Thavia, so Captain Marvel flies in and punches it over, being filmed by two long-legged alien Thavians wearing Bulletman helmets. A Thavian Zoo Keeper runs in and says that they just arrived to say they had no plan to stop this creature’s rampage, but the strange part is that it’s usually not aggressive at all! Captain Marvel returns it to the zoo and the Zoo Keeper finds that someone fed it Berserk Juice, which does what it sounds like it does. The Zoo Keeper encourages him to stay for a parade for him. Nearby, in a rocketship, the two videographers Zax and Brax head off to the Ocean Bridge which suddenly starts collapsing! Captain Marvel flies out to find the dip in the direct middle as the TV team record his rescues and him holding the bridge together with his body until a repair boat arrives to reinforce it. An engineer on the repair boat tells him that one of the support beams was sawed through and Captain Marvel finds that this was sabotage too…

Zax and Brax heads off to the Subsea Tunnel as Captain Marvel tries to report these crimes to the Chief of Police and Captain Marvel rushes off, hearing that the Rocket Train is now trapped in the Subsea Tunnel due to there being a big hole in it, flooding the tunnel. Captain Marvel finds that there are emergency plug sacks that seal over the area and finds the jagged break on the metal indicates it exploded. He catches Zax and Brax loading their camera away and asks why they were there and recording, but they claim it’s just a coincidence. Captain Marvel decides to call SHAZAM to return Billy to sneak into their ship and finds that the two Thavians are causing accidents for them to film Captain Marvel fixing before Zax brains him with a wrench, knocking him out. Billy wakes up bound and gagged on their ship and Zax more or less cops to having done all of it to get rich and sell the biggest story of the year and drop Billy into the Round the World Tour Blimp to tear a hole in it that will also just kill tons of people. When he hits the balloon, his gag is flown off by the expelled gas and he calls SHAZAM to set the Blimp down safely, then punches out the two saboteurs. Later, Captain Marvel goes back to Earth.

Appearing in Captain Marvel: "Captain Marvel Fights the Television Trap!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Zax
  • Brax
    • A Green Dinosaur

Other Characters:

  • A Thavian Zoo Keeper
  • A Thavian Engineer


  • The Planet Thavia
    • The Ocean Bridge
    • The Subsea Tunnel


  • Berserk Juice
  • Emergency Sealing Sacks


  • Zax and Brax's Rocket-Ship
  • The Round the World Tour Blimp

Synopsis for Golden Arrow: "Golden Arrow and The Return of Black Arrow!"

Golden Arrow and the Sheriff find strange men coming in to Dry Gulch before an arrow flies at them with a note from Golden Arrow's ostensible rival, Black Arrow, who hasn't died and wants to get even with Golden Arrow tomorrow at noon near the old farmhouse. Golden Arrow heads out there, warned that Black Arrow will likely set a trap for him. Black Arrow soon meets him there and says that his men are due to rob Forbes' Warehouse and the rest of the town's valuables and he's going to stop him first, revealing he's brought a man with a gun to keep him at bay. He tries to duck out a window, only for Black Arrow to shoot a hole through it and then light the cabin on fire. Golden Arrow pulls his handkerchief over his face and climbs out of the chimney flue and manages to form a rudimentary zipline to a nearby tree. He rides White Wind back into town and bursts in to the saloon to pre-emptively arrest Black Arrow's men before they can seize Forbes' Warehouse. Black Arrow is shocked to see Golden Arrow is alive before things break down into a donnybrook. However, afterwards, Black Arrow has escaped into the hills, intent on getting his revenge another day...

Appearing in Golden Arrow: "Golden Arrow and The Return of Black Arrow!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Black Arrow

Other Characters:

  • The Sheriff of Dry Gulch




Synopsis for Lance O'Casey: "Lance O'Casey Raids the Antarctic Hide-Out!"

Lance and Mike are heading over to pick up penguins headed for a circus from Antarctica, though neither of them are too happy to be in Antarctica, since it's uninhabited and only explorers ever show up. They are likely the only two human men in the entire continent there. Mike is shocked to find footprints and finds an evil bald man hiding out in an igloo. He quickly explains that he's criminal in hiding "Gunner" Shaw and has one of his goons pull a gun on them, since he doesn't want them to give away his perfect hideout. Shaw and his goon decide they can just force the two swashbuckling sailors into doing what they like and manage to distract the goon by kicking a box of salt fish on him, making the penguins swarm him. In their escape, Mike is grazed on the leg and Lance runs ahead to dump a boulder on to the goons, creating an avalanche. Mike takes their guns and they take the goons and the penguins back to the Starfish for an even bigger reward!

Appearing in Lance O'Casey: "Lance O'Casey Raids the Antarctic Hide-Out!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • "Gunner" Shaw

Other Characters:

  • Penguins



  • Crate of Salt Fish


  • The Starfish

Synopsis for Freshman Freddy: "Double Date!"

Freshman Freddy tells his friend Joe that he can’t go out with him: he’s got two girls he’s going out with at 12 Helm St. Ace and Stooge eavesdrop and Stooge points out that’s Harriet’s place and Ace decides to sabotage him as usual. Ace pretends to have made a bet with Stooge if a gagged man can still make loud noise, so he gags Freddy and then has Stooge drag him to a broom closet and lock him in, not realizing that Freddy doesn’t seem bothered by this at all. Ace goes off to steal Freddy’s date with Harriet, but finds that Harriet isn’t in town! Ace realizes that Freddy’s “date” was with Harriet’s sister and her friend, Mabel, two young children. They quickly steal the chocolates Ace brought for Harriet and then smack them in the face with them when they complain that they can’t have it. Offended that Ace is being cheap with them, they fling dishes at them until they leave and later meets with a laughing Freddy smirking at them when the two bullies return and admit that Freddy tricked them yet again.

Appearing in Freshman Freddy: "Double Date!"

Featured Characters:

  • Freshman Freddy

Supporting Characters:

  • Harriet


  • Ace
    • Stooge

Other Characters:

  • Joe
  • Harriet's Sister
    • Mabel, Harriet's Sister's Friend


  • Earth-S
    • Podunk
      • Podunk University
      • Harriet's House


  • Chocolates (Destroyed)

Synopsis for Ibis the Invincible: "Ibis the Invincible and the Twist in Time"

It is 31 BCE at the Battle of Actium, a naval battle between Augustus Caesar, the protege of the late Dictator of Rome, and his rival Mark Antony and Queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt, who have fled in a boat of their own. Augustus sends his best Captain, Horatius, to stop their escape and he does so. However, Capt. Horatius’ ship is swept up by a waterspout that teleports them to the modern day! Prince Ibis and Princess Taia are now relaxing on a ship off the coast of Actium and spot the Roman galley heading towards them, confusing the people aboard. Spotting Princess Taia aboard, they take this as confirmation that Cleopatra must be there and start flinging lances at them, but Ibis wishes on the Ibistick, turning the lances into seagulls, then wishes a bridge between them to ask some questions. Capt. Horatius instead decides to seize them and orders his men to attack, managing to knock out Ibis when they go for Taia first. The two wake up bound below deck and Ibis tells them that Cleopatra died 2,000 years ago, but Horatius refuses to believe this. They soon find the Ibistick on the upper deck and accidentally wish for a gale that blows them easily to Rome and find a giant ship in the harbor, they hear that the Colosseum has been ruined and attack a man selling postcards of it. Meanwhile, Taia unties her husband and they head upstairs to knock out their two guards and run off to retake the Ibistick. Horatius wishes that the Colosseum were rebuilt, fixing it and Ibis spots it happening, rushing in to sucker punch Horatius and retaking the Ibistick. Ibis wishes the Colosseum back to “normal” and the Romans back to where they belong. Later, the newspapers claim it was a “mass optical illusion” that caused this and Ibis reveals his research has found Horatius never managed to capture Cleopatra before she killed herself. Taia notes he must have been very determined.

Appearing in Ibis the Invincible: "Ibis the Invincible and the Twist in Time"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Captain Horatius of Rome

Other Characters:



  • Lances


  • Horatius' Roman galley



  • Despite the implications, Antony and Cleopatra wouldn't die for another year after the Battle of Actium due to a tight defense from Cleopatra's fleet.
    • Similarly, they refer to Octavian mostly as "Augustus," but he wouldn't receive this name from the Roman Senate for another four years.
    • Strangely, Captain Horatius is aghast to hear that the Colosseum is in ruins considering that it wouldn't be completed until 80 CE under Emperor Titus Caesar Vespasianus, over a century later.
    • It is also implied that these Romans apparently speak archaic English or Greek, since Ibis and Taia speak with them fluently with no issue and even says the word "Zounds," a minced oath that first appeared in the late 1500s.
    • Further still, Horatius identifies a postcard salesman as a "Vandal," but the Vandals were not known to be enemies of Rome until well into the Marcomannic Wars in 166 CE
      • But mostly, there is no explanation given whatsoever as to why a waterspout sent Romans forward in time.

See Also

Links and References
