Whiz Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of April, 1951.
Synopsis for Captain Marvel: "Captain Marvel Saves Captain Marvel"
Billy Batson gets a letter from Mayor Roger Ashton of Alligator Hide, a small town that claims he has a surprise for Captain Marvel and want them to dedicate their new radio station. He soon heads out to the town and finds they have a population under 10,000 and meets the Mayor who takes him to their nicest hotel. Billy is woken in the night y calls of FIRE and calls SHAZAM to summon Captain Marvel, finding a stack of driftwood on fire beneath them. Captain Marvel punches out the two men he caught lighting and finds that one of them is known gangster “Dictator” Dawson, who has escaped and was apparently hiding out in Alligator Hide. He returns to the hotel to save the others and soon finds that this is the Captain Marvel Hotel! He asks a man how to get to the Mayor’s and finds that he’s on Holy Moley Blvd near Marvel Square. Hearing a police alert that there’s trouble there, he finds Dawson flinging a bomb at the Marvel Fountain (complete with a statue of Captain Marvel,) only for Captain Marvel to carry it into the air where it explodes harmlessly. However, in chasing him past the World’s Mightiest Mortal Stadium, the Mighty Marvel Tower and soon finds that the town has renamed itself “Captain Marvel Town” too. Mayor Ashton shakes his hand and welcomes him as Captain Marvel realizes that Dawson is trying to get revenge on a Captain Marvel and Dawson starts to have a panic attack about living in a city where everything is named after Captain Marvel. His goon tells him that Captain Marvel is already there and will likely stop them. Dawson decides to set up Captain Marvel with an anonymous tip that he’ll be in Marvel Grove on the other side of town. Captain Marvel spots a sign to the Shazam Airport and reads it aloud, returning Billy, who’s blackjacked by a goon nearby. He wakes up bound to the sign and gagged while the goon absent-mindedly mentions that they’re going to mess with the ceremony and dedication. Thereof, Dawson is dressed as Captain Marvel and demands $1,000,000 from Captain Marvel Town while Billy slips his gag on the pointed sign and calls SHAZAM, throwing the goon into Dawson and exposing him at the dedication before he goes to Marvel Jail. The ceremony ends with Captain Marvel Town being renamed and Captain Marvel smashing a bottle of champagne on the sign. Later, Billy signs off dedicating Station WCM (after Captain Marvel, of course.)
Appearing in Captain Marvel: "Captain Marvel Saves Captain Marvel"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Mayor Roger Ashton
- Impostor Captain Marvel ("Dictator" Dawson)
Other Characters:
- Earth-S
- New York City
- Alligator Hide / Captain Marvel Town
- Captain Marvel Hotel
- Holy Moley Blvd.
- Marvel Square
- The Marvel Fountain
- The World's Mightiest Stadium
- The Mighty Marvel Tower
- Station WCM
- Marvel Grove
- Shazam Airport
- A Cylindrical Bomb
- Dictator Dawson's Car
Synopsis for Golden Arrow: "Golden Arrow and the Worthless Ranch"
Golden Arrow meets his friend Si Bright at his ranch, congratulating him on striking gold recently. Si says that he isn't sure there's a thick vein of it yet, but he's getting a man from the County Land Appraiser's Office to look into it. On the road to Dry Gulch, the Appraiser is ambushed by outlaws Buck and Slick and leave for Si's Ranch to proceed to lie to him about his land and leave. Later, Golden Arrow finds the stagecoach is overdue and goes to help them, finding the appraiser and driver are bound on the roadside and takes off for Si's place. Slick puts on a fake beard to look like the Appraiser and offers to buy out Si's Ranch for a cheap $500, which Si needs to pay his debts. However, Slick's beard falls off and the ruse is up. Slick goes to pull a gun, but Golden Arrow fires it out of his hand, only for Buck to pistol-whip him. Golden Arrow, dazed, frees Si's dog King who goes after the outlaws and scares off their horses before Golden Arrow knocks them out in a quick fistfight and arrests them. Golden Arrow points out that if they were lying about his land, Si likely has a lot of gold on it!
Appearing in Golden Arrow: "Golden Arrow and the Worthless Ranch"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Si Bright
- King
- Slick
- Buck
Other Characters:
- Mr. Thompson
- A Land Appraiser
- Earth-S
- American Old West
- Dry Gulch
- Si Bright's Ranch
- American Old West
- A Stagecoach
- White Wind
Synopsis for Lance O'Casey: "Lance O'Casey and the Mysterious Voyage"
Lance and Mike are in East Asia where Mr. Collins offers Lance a cut in on a third of a $5,000,000 gold salvage from a sunken ship. Lance assures him if he accepts, he'll let him know. Mike says it sounds like a good offer, but Lance notices Collins is keeping his cards close to his chest. A random boy runs up to them and gives them a letter telling them to not work with Collins or they'll end up dead and they decide to look into things. Lance goes to accept the job and asks Collins about it, only to tackle him out of the way of a gunman. Collins admits that everyone is out to get him for the gold's location and takes him to his ship, crewed by a shady bunch of goons, but Collins insists he wants only tough guys for this job. Collins boards the Starfish and shows Lance that they're going near Shelter Island and has tons of gold bullion, but was lost in a storm, crashing into a reef with all hands lost. Later, Lance tells Mike that the gold could be fake, since if all hands were lost, there'd be no one to spread this rumor. Mike recognizes there's no reef off Shelter Island and Lance warns him to be careful.
They soon spot a raft with seemingly half-dead Natives, but it is a clear ruse and they try to attack Lance with a sword once he comes aboard, only for Collins and his men to pull guns on the Natives. The swordman drops his weapon and surrenders, but Collins shoots him anyways, saying that he recognized this as an "old Malay pirate trick." Mike finds that this was no Malay, but a white man in a racist disguise! What's more, they realize that the man knew Collins by name, though Collins swears ignorance. Some time later, the diving team find the gold, but suddenly turn on Lance and Mike, knocking them out and leaving them bound below deck. Mike notices the "gold" is packed in little red boxes and Collins reveals it's not gold, but opium that they're smuggling, abandoned during a British destroyer checking their last smuggling boat. Collins reveals he was one of six men on that boat and that the other four were mysteriously killed and the last one was dressed like a Native the other day, Canton Sam. However, a storm brews and they're forced to release Lance and Mike to keep them from sinking. Lance quickly waits for a big wave to hit them before he punches out Collin's head diver and then Collins himself. Two days later, an international Narcotics Control officer takes Collins into custody and they agree that Collins' mistake was messing with Lance O'Casey.
Appearing in Lance O'Casey: "Lance O'Casey and the Mysterious Voyage"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Mr. Collins
- Mr. Collins' Roughneck Crew
- Canton Sam (Dies)
Other Characters:
- Large Waterproofed Packages of Opium
- The Starfish
Synopsis for Ibis the Invincible: "Ibis the Invincible Battles the Earth Brain!"
Prince Ibis and Princess Taia are out on the edge of the Gobi Desert with their friend Mr. Langdon who is digging for oil. The diggers begin to worry about it being “evil for man to probe the secrets of the Earth” until all the men quit and they find a broken strand that looks like a bleeding vein and there’s a sudden crash of fire from the sky! Ibis wishes an invisible dome around them to protect them from the incoming flames. News comes in of many extinct volcanoes starting to erupt and an earthquake starts up that seems to knock Ibis into the chasm! Ibis drops the Ibistick while he does and manages to slow himself by spinning on to his back and wishing his body into a rubber consistency, letting him bounce until he lands softly. The Ibistick begins vibrating, sensing evil nearby. Ibis wishes the Ibistick open a path to what’s causing this and finds that the tunnel leads farther lower and lower until he has to wish himself to the size of an ant. Finding another vein on the ground, Ibis follows it to find a gigantic brain attached to these oversized nerves in a large tank of liquid! Ibis wishes himself back to normal height and telepathically protected from the creature who declares that it is the Earth Brain. The Earth Brain states that it controls natural disasters like volcanoes (to reduce heat pressures in the Earth) and earthquakes (which create necessary adjustments in the rock strata.) Now that it’s been attacked, it now decides to attack mankind for their insolence. Ibis heals the Earth Brain and then wishes for its nerves to be able to sense danger themselves and automatically move to avoid it. Ibis leaves the Earth Brain respectfully and returns to the surface, finding that oil is now gushing out and all the strange seismic issues have ended now! Ibis merely reassures Taia that the “fellow” in charge is of “a very good… er… mind!”
Appearing in Ibis the Invincible: "Ibis the Invincible Battles the Earth Brain!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Mr. Langdon
Other Characters:
- The Earth Brain
See Also