Whiz Comics #135 is an issue of the series Whiz Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of July, 1951.
Synopsis for Captain Marvel: "Captain Marvel Destroys the World"
Right before he's due to receive a medal for his splendid work in saving mankind from extinction, Captain Marvel learns about meteors landing at the south pole and decides to investigate. This turns out to be the space armada of a legion of egg-shaped aliens. When Cap refuses to surrender to them and instead counterattacks, he learns these are "amoeba men" who split in two when hit by any attack, which they figure will make them an irresistible force. Crushing them, burning them and drowning them doesn't work either. Eventually, he figures out that he if can't destroy the amoeba men, he'll destroy the Earth itself to get rid of them. Or, pretend to, by seizing an asteroid and acting as if he's about to smash it into Earth to destroy the planet to deny the aliens their conquest. In their hurry to get out of the way, the aliens crash their ships into each other and die in the vacuum.
Appearing in Captain Marvel: "Captain Marvel Destroys the World"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- The Amoeba Men (Dies)
Other Characters:
- Amoeba Man Flame Guns (Destroyed)
- The Amoeba Men Fleet (Destroyed)
Synopsis for Golden Arrow: "Golden Arrow and The Frame Up"
Golden Arrow rides into Eagle Bluff just in time to see a jailbreak, but finds it's his old friend Alan Slade, who says he's been framed for murder! He explains that a week ago, he was knocked out on the range and woke up in Tom Fletcher's ranch house with Tom dead on the floor and his own gun fired at him! Tom's nephew, Fred Dixon, fingered Alan for doing it and he was soon arrested. Golden Arrow convinces Alan to turn himself in and promises to solve the mystery for him, discovering from the local Sheriff that Fred Dixon is due to inherit everything from his late uncle Tom and is also an avid gambler with many debts that he's only now paid off. The next morning, Golden Arrow finds that Fletcher already sold his ranch to the railroad company for $5,000 and Dixon delivered the papers "pre-signed." On his way back to Eagle Bluff, Golden Arrow is ambushed by Fred Dixon who leaves him bound on the second story of his new ranch house. Golden Arrow manages to call White Wind over with a sharp whistle and rides off by jumping out of the window on to his horse. He fires an arrow into the courtroom to let them know he has evidence that proves Fred Dixon committed the murder and defeats Fred Dixon in a quick fistfight when he tries to physically stop him, being the gentleman enough to let him stand before he punches him out. Later, Alan thanks Golden Arrow for saving him from the frame up.
Appearing in Golden Arrow: "Golden Arrow and The Frame Up"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Alan Slade
- Fred Dixon
Other Characters:
- The Sheriff of Eagle Bluff
- Tom Fletcher (Dies)
- Earth-S
- American Old West
- Eagle Bluff
- American Old West
Synopsis for Ibis the Invincible: "The Ibistick Fails!"
Sculptor Jan Brono goes mad with rage when his sculptor of a centaur and dragon locked in battle fails to win a contest. Ibis is on hand and saves the judge's life by magically bringing the winning statue of a python to life, but after he comes just in time to stop Brono from making another attempt on the judge's life, decides to stay overnight to protect him. Soon the centaur from Brono's sculpture attacks the judge, somehow brought to life, but Ibis's wand fails to have any effect, and it's seen off instead when Taia picks up a rifle and shoots it. Playing a hunch, she goes to visit Brono's garret, and finds the dragon from his statue there but the centaur indeed missing. Brono explains he did so by swiping the Ibistick while Ibis and Taia were staying over at the judge's house. The one Ibis has right now is a fake he made. When Ibis shows up to protect Taia from the animated dragon statue, Brono makes the mistake of many an evildoer who got their hands on the Ibistick before him, and commands the dragon to attack Ibis. Its failsafe kicks in and the dragon destroys Brono instead.
Appearing in Ibis the Invincible: "The Ibistick Fails!"
Featured characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Jan Brono
- Animated Centaur Statue (Destroyed)
- Animated Dragon Statue (Destroyed)
Other Characters:
- Judge Crandall
- Earth-S
- Judge Crandall's Mansion
- Ibistick
- Imitation Ibistick
- Winning Python Statue
- A Giant Flying Saucer
- Lance O'Casey is on hiatus this month
- Despite the cover, the Amoeba Men are not green with green spaceships, but have a generic Caucasian skin tone and fly in yellow spaceships.
- Further, Ibis only fights one centaur and loses pretty hard to it without his Ibistick.
See Also