DC Database

"Captain Marvel: "Captain Marvel and Sivana's Private Kingdom"": The synopsis for this issue has not yet been written.

Quote1 Stop! You fool! You are attacking citizens of the Sivana Kingdom! This whole town is filled with crooks who joined me! But you can't touch them! And I don't allow extradition of any of my citizens to another country like America! That protects them here by international law! Quote2
King Sivana, King of the Sivana Kingdom

Whiz Comics #142 is an issue of the series Whiz Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of February, 1952.

Synopsis for Captain Marvel: "Captain Marvel and Sivana's Private Kingdom"

Appearing in Captain Marvel: "Captain Marvel and Sivana's Private Kingdom"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • Sivana Kingdom Air Force Fighters

Synopsis for Golden Arrow: "The Demon's Masquerade!"

Sy Granger, a rancher, is accosted from his bed by fire and smoke when the Devil shows up at his house, demanding all of his money. Sy pays the Devil his due and quickly leaves to tell the Sheriff, who has Golden Arrow staying overnight at his house. At first they think he's crazy, but someone else also shows up and says they were robbed by the Devil, so they decide to work on investigating tomorrow. The next morning, the Sheriff says he thinks John Grant, an unemployed actor and one of two strangers in town, is the more likely one to own a Devil costume. The only other one is Charlie Day, who bought the Gunsmith Shop. Suddenly, John Grant runs in and says the Devil robbed him and stole his Devil costume. Golden Arrow has the paper print that the Devil "failed" at Sy Granger's house, due to a large amount of secret gold he had hidden in his house and the Devil quickly reappears at his home that night, only for Golden Arrow to chase him off, managing to unmask him from afar with an arrow, finding he's a bald older man. The next day, the Sheriff goes to arrest some rustlers and Golden Arrow goes to visit Charlie Day, who runs the Gunsmith Shop, then pretends to use a box to reach something on a high shelf before dramatically tearing off Charlie's wig, revealing he's the bald man and also the Devil. Golden Arrow tells him he figured out he does his fire and smoke tricks by using gunpowder. Charlie pulls a gun on Golden Arrow and orders him not to move or he'll shoot the nearby gunpowder, but Golden Arrow uses a quick arrow to knock a water pail on to the gunpowder, dousing it. He defeats Charlie in a quick fistfight and soon finds the Sheriff returning with the rustlers to join Charlie in jail.

Appearing in Golden Arrow: "The Demon's Masquerade!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • The Sheriff of Dry Gulch


  • The Devil (Charlie Day)

Other Characters:

  • Sy Granger
  • John Grant
  • A Newspaper Editor



  • Black Powder


Synopsis for Lance O'Casey: "Lance O'Casey and the Contraband Cargo!"

Lance is lending Mike out to "Skip" Riley, an old friend of his, to help him with some debts shipping sponges to Port Oro to help him get back on his feet again. Lance says he's due to be in Port Oro in a week delivering bananas, so he'll see them there. That evening, the two salts are assaulted by men who show up and eventually reveal they are federal agents and these sponges are full of heroin! Skip says that he had no idea about this and one of the FBI agents recognizes Mike as a friend of Lance. They make them a simple offer: deliver the sponges as they are, so the FBI can follow them and find out who's taking them where. Mr. Bowers, the man shipping the heroin sponges, soon comes aboard with some of his goons and Skip and Mike decide to play it cool so they can likely arrest them later. At sea though, they pull guns on them and manage to knock out Skip and Mike with belaying pins, revealing they knew they were working with the feds. The next afternoon, Mike spots Lance and says that he'll see him in Port Oro and to "give my regards to Cap Teedo." Mike is alack to hear from the man with a gun in his back that they aren't actually going to Port Oro, instead driving him out to a beach on the South American coastline. Skip and Mike load the heroin sponges into a building for them, but they leave the two salts bound on the freighter and start scuttling it. Meanwhile, Lance figures out that Mike meant captido, the Spanish word for captive when he said that and manages to rescue Skip and Mike from their sinking ship. Once night falls, the salts ambush Bowers' camp and defeat him in a quick fistfight. Later, the smugglers are arrested and imprisoned and a man in a hat promises Skip he'll get paid for the loss of his ship and cargo and thanks him for his help.

Appearing in Lance O'Casey: "Lance O'Casey and the Contraband Cargo!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Mr. Bowers

Other Characters:

  • FBI Agents


  • Earth-S
    • Port Oro
    • The South American Coast


  • Heroin Sponges


  • The Starfish
  • "Skip" Riley's Freighter (Destroyed)

Synopsis for Ibis the Invincible: "Ibis the Invincible Battles Sir Karnak!"

Appearing in Ibis the Invincible: "Ibis the Invincible Battles Sir Karnak!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Sir Karnak, the Black Knight (Dies)

Other Characters:




  • Ibis' Horse

See Also

Links and References

Batman 0585
DC Bullet 2024

Summary Needed

This page is missing a well-written and detailed synopsis. If there is already a synopsis here, it might need to be modified or expanded. You can help the DC Database by adding a summary of the story.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.
Superboy Vol 4 69
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