Whiz Comics #151 is an issue of the series Whiz Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 1952.
Synopsis for Captain Marvel: "Captain Marvel Battles the Dancing Plague!"
Billy Batson, Boy Broadcaster, is interviewing Dr. Endersby, who has created a new “Ultracillin” that he thinks is going to make penicillin look old school, but points out that he doesn’t know what kind of diseases it’ll stop until he tests it. Suddenly, known gangster and disgraced doctor, “Doc” Skorky, climbs in an open window and pulls a gun on them, then pistol-whips Billy, who still manages to call SHAZAM, summoning Captain Marvel who punches him over. Dr. Endersby offers he give the Ultracillin to him and points out that he actually has tested it against many famed diseases and it apparently doesn’t do anything. Doc Skorky is embarrassed and knocks a test tube rack of infectious germs to the floor, forcing Captain Marvel to dive for them while he legs it out an open window. Dr. Endersby notes he did get away with the Ultracillin, but wonders why he wants it anyways, since it’s a functionless chemical.
Later, Billy reports about Doc Skorky showing up in the Egyptian desert, then calls SHAZAM to summon Captain Marvel to look into things further. He soon discovers that Doc Skorky just discovered a new ancient Pyramid and shows him a cool bottle he found full of the Dancing Plague, which he believes that Ultracillin can cure! Captain Marvel calls this a very silly and very dangerous thing he’s doing and buries it a mile down and asks what his point was in stealing it to start with. Skorky offers he just guess, so Captain Marvel flies him to prison, letting him keep his vial of Ultracillin. However, once he’s gone, Skorky releases the Ancient Dancing Plague of 5,000 years ago by throwing it on to a public sidewalk. Soon enough, Billy finds he’s dancing on air during his broadcast until he calls SHAZAM and Captain Marvel starts to find people freaking out from their obsessive dancing and saves a window-washer named Joe who’s fallen due to a broken strap, then stops another man before he leaps into a plate-glass display window. Captain Marvel walks through the bars into Skorky’s jail cell to demand the Ultracillin back, but Captain Marvel is held back when he threatens to smash it. He forces Captain Marvel to let him leave and demands $1,000,000 for the formula. Captain Marvel starts to be seemingly overtaken by the Dancing Plague, doing an incredibly ridiculous dance that makes Skorky bust out laughing so hard that Captain Marvel is able to yoink the Ultracillin from him and punch him in the face. Later, Billy signs off saying that Dr. Endersby cured the Dancing Plague of 5,000 Years Ago and Doc is dancing with rage in his jail cell.
Appearing in Captain Marvel: "Captain Marvel Battles the Dancing Plague!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Dr. Endersby
- "Doc" Skorky
Other Characters:
- Earth-S
- New York City
- Dr. Endersby's Laboratory
- City Jail
- Egypt
- An Ancient Pyramid
- New York City
- Endersby's Utracillin
- The Ancient Egyptian Dancing Plague
Synopsis for Golden Arrow: "Wanted - For Murder and Robbery - Golden Arrow"
Golden Arrow is out in the Shanandoga Hills when he's suddenly attacked from the trees by outlaws led by Duff, leaving Golden Arrow bound by a hay bale as Duff changes into a cunning Golden Arrow disguise. Duff notes he is a failed actor, but now can use his experience to commit crimes. He first finds out this won't work easily since White Wind knows better than to let someone who looks like Golden Arrow ride him, so they just get a different white horse and continue on their plan of committing crimes. The Sheriff resolves to taking him in, seeing no other choice, while Duff plans on hitting a gold shipment arriving by train and then decide they'll turn in Golden Arrow himself for the reward before they skip town. One of his bandits watching Golden Arrow asks for some matches, but drops one, letting Golden Arrow kick it into the hay bale to start a fire and free himself. Golden Arrow defeats the bandits there in a quick fistfight and then puts out the fire with a water bucket.
He quickly retakes White Wind and rides to the railroad, but is caught out by a posse who want him dead and rides off to the tracks to stop the train. The real Golden Arrow manages to shoot the Impostor's arrow out of the sky and Duff tries to scarper, only for Golden Arrow to tackle him off his horse and defeats him in a quick fistfight. He soon removes his wig and the Sheriff forgives Golden Arrow for having ever doubted him.
Appearing in Golden Arrow: "Wanted - For Murder and Robbery - Golden Arrow"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Impostor Golden Arrow (Duff)
- Notches
Other Characters:
- The Sheriff of Shanandoga Hills
- Earth-S
- American Old West
- The Shanandoga Hills
- American Old West
- A Water Bucket
- A Hay Bale
- White Wind
- Impostor White Wind
- Impostor White Wind
Synopsis for Lance O'Casey: "Gamble with Death"
Lance and Mike drop anchor when they see a power boat ram a skiff, destroying it completely. They rescue the skipper of the craft and find it's newspaper reporter, Midge Nelson. Convalescing, Nelson tells them he's investigating the Lady Luck, a famed gambling ship nearby. Nelson says it's run by known gangster "Giant" Pretts and his goons, who has rigged all the games and kills anyone who accuses them of cheating. However, since the Lady Luck is on international waters, the DA has no ability to shut them down or interfere. Thus, Nelson decided he'd right a tell-all expose on the ship to warn people from going out there. Pretts had other ideas about this and attacked him. What's more, Nelson worries they can't get aboard now that Pretts knows he's coming, so Lance and Mike offer to do it for him wearing lapel cameras to get the dirt on Pretts. Heading aboard, Mike finds the roulette wheel is rigged with wiring to let them stop it wherever they choose, but is quickly grabbed by Pretts himself, a tall balding man. However, his goons soon find Mike Bellew isn't so easily beat when Lance joins the fight too, but manage to pistol-whip Lance and tie up Mike to throw him overboard. Lance dives after him and cuts him free, dragging him to the surface as the gamblers presume he's dead. They head up the anchor chain to the Lady Luck, retracting it to leave them drifting at sea. Lance defeats Pretts himself in a quick fistfight due to the weather making him nauseated and they soon arrest them all. At the dock, Lance says the real credit goes to Nelson for figuring out this scheme and turns over the cameras to him. Nelson thanks them heartily.
Appearing in Lance O'Casey: "Gamble with Death"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- 1st Mate Mike Bellew
- Midge Nelson
- "Giant" Pretts
Other Characters:
- An Anchor
- Lapel Cameras
- The Starfish
- The Lady Luck
- Midge Nelson's Skiff (Destroyed)
Synopsis for Ibis the Invincible: "Ibis the Invincible Battles the Amazing Riverman!"
Prince Ibis finds Princess Taia at her job at the Daily Clarion and complains that they don’t eat dinner together anymore! Taia says she’s almost done on her big story about rivers and says that while Arctic rivers barely move due to the icy climate, the Ukaluk River moves at 50 mph! Ibis starts ignoring her to look at the teletype and finds there’s a rampage on the Ukaluk River that has destroyed a nearby hydroelectric plant and Ibis wishes them a giant rocket to fly them there. They find the countryside turned into a swampy mire as the levees break, so Ibis wishes sandbags into place 100 feet tall to hold back the river. Ibis is taken to see the hydroelectric dam and that it’s getting huge waves crashing over its sluices, so Ibis wishes a giant hand that holds it in place. Taia worries as even the Ibistick cannot really break the laws of nature itself. He wishes for some oil to pour upon the troubled waters, something that supposedly old mariners used to “calm the river.” Instead, this seems to coalesce a living Riverman, who is piscine spirit of the Ukaluk River and he hates that humans are using his river to give themselves electricity, but he also really wants to kill Ibis first. He soon releases a flood that drags Ibis and Taia out of their tents, then snatches the Ibistick from Ibis, who punches him in the face instead. The Riverman argues that he is as strong as the river itself and cannot be conquered so easily, but Ibis gets back the Ibistick and wishes him to an Arctic River instead, where he believes his power will “do good.” The Ukaluk River is now still and the flooding has stopped. Later, Ibis notes that an icy channel in the Arctic Circle did open up lately and can be navigated, which Princess Taia presumes will keep the Riverman busy trying to keep it that way!
Appearing in Ibis the Invincible: "Ibis the Invincible Battles the Amazing Riverman!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Earth-S
- Arctic Circle
- The Ukaluk River
- The Ukaluk River Dam
- A Giant Rocket
- Either Princess Taia has changed jobs and works at the Daily Clarion now, or the Daily Herald she worked for previously have changed their name.
See Also