DC Database

"Captain Marvel: "His Family Tree"": A woman who claims to be Sterling Morris' bereft cousin asks him for financial support, but he doesn't believe her story. She shows him a family tree that seems to prove it, but Billy agrees to investigate the "Gideon Snoope" behind it, to find out if he migh

Whiz Comics #55 is an issue of the series Whiz Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of June, 1944.

Synopsis for Captain Marvel: "His Family Tree"

A woman who claims to be Sterling Morris' bereft cousin asks him for financial support, but he doesn't believe her story. She shows him a family tree that seems to prove it, but Billy agrees to investigate the "Gideon Snoope" behind it, to find out if he might be a fraud. Not sure how he can actually prove Snoope's findings aren't genuine, Billy has an idea and changes to Captain Marvel. After all, as a magical construct, the Captain can't possibly have any ancestors. Much to Marvel's surprise, Snoope has a very convincing family tree of invulnerable supermen that Captain Marvel is supposedly descended from, making him wonder if he might actually have ancestors! When Morris' "cousin" comes in and blabs their plan while Marvel's still there, though, he realizes it's all a scam after all. Somewhat to his disappointment, his fictitious forebears having sounded like such admirable fellows.

Appearing in Captain Marvel: "His Family Tree"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Gideon Snoope
  • Mazie the Mooch

Other Characters:




Synopsis for Golden Arrow: "The Magic Bird of the Old West"

Appearing in Golden Arrow: "The Magic Bird of the Old West"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Bull Logan

Other Characters:

  • Sheriff Bingham


Synopsis for Spy Smasher: "Spy Smasher Blacks Out the Blackout Brigands"

Appearing in Spy Smasher: "Spy Smasher Blacks Out the Blackout Brigands"

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for Ibis the Invincible: "The Murderous Ice Monkey"

The evil wizard Trug escapes from prison and holds a clandestine meeting with associate Crawley Thorne, who sells him a monkey with deadly frigid breath. Trug has his new bet steal the priceless Agra Emerald, freezing a guard in the process, alerting Ibis that his nemesis is at large again. After Trug makes to escape on a boat, Ibis and Taia fly after him, but are taken unawares by the ice monkey. Frozen, the couple are easily captured by Trug.

Loyal to its master, the Ibistick thaws the hero, allowing him to catch Trug by surprise, cleaving the evil wizard in two! After thawing Taia and melting the ice monkey, Ibis restores Trug to one complete wicked wizard to deliver back to the authorities.

Appearing in Ibis the Invincible: "The Murderous Ice Monkey"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Trug
    • Igor
    • Ice Monkey
  • Crawley Thorne

Other Characters:





  • Ibis the Invincible: Trug's supplier Crowley Thorne has become "Crawley" Thorne.

See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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