Whiz Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 1946.
Synopsis for Captain Marvel: "... Goes to College!"
A chemistry course at Cranmoore College finds Captain Marvel sitting in session, and soon having to flee from a group of admiring coeds. He slips into the office of Dean Worthington, who asks if Marvel has made any progress in locating a thief who's been plaguing the campus. It had been Worthington's idea that Marvel enroll so he wouldn't arouse suspicion by hanging around the school, looking for the thief. Soon a bearded, masked man does indeed show up, attacking the son of a rich man for his allowance payment. Marvel pursues him, and is aided by a student who tells Marvel the thief fled out the window, but it's too dark to see anyone.
Marvel continues to act as a student, but his superhuman knowledge soon has the professors thinking he's got nothing to learn from their classes and recommend he be graduated, forcing the hero to put on a comical act of being dumb. He overhears word of a big donation in the dean's office, and indeed catches the thief in the act of stealing it, but the crook escapes by throwing a vial of nitroglycerine he'd brought along to blow the safe at Marvel instead. Although Marvel's unhurt, the criminal escapes him again. However, he has a plan: the faculty has all the students submit their fingerprints to verify none of them was the man who tried to ransack the dean's office the night before. One boy, Johnny Jones, the one who gave Captain Marvel the bum lead about the thief having fled out a window, refuses to do so. This paints him as the thief, as there were no fingerprints, that had only been a bluff. He's actually a seasoned criminal, whose youthful appearance led him to believe that passing himself off as a college student would give him an easy cover.
Appearing in Captain Marvel: "... Goes to College!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Baby Face Jones
Other Characters:
- Dean Worthington
- Earth-S
- New York City
- Cranmoore College
- WHIZ Radio
- New York City
Synopsis for Golden Arrow: "Golden Arrow Versus Silver Arrow"
An archer who shoots silver arrows demonstrates his prowess to a pair of shopkeepers, then demands they tell the town to get $20,000 together or he'll shoot up the town. Golden Arrow arrives in town and finds out what's going on, then rides out to meet the challenge of his criminal counterpart, be knocked out and dropped into a river. White Wind bites through his ropes when the hero washes up on the bank, and Golden Arrow shoots the protection money out of Silver Arrow's hands when he arrives to collect. Silver Arrow is not Golden Arrow's better after all, getting his own arrow shot out of the air, then the quiver from his back, leaving him helpless.
Appearing in Golden Arrow: "Golden Arrow Versus Silver Arrow"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Silver Arrow
Other Characters:
- American Old West
- Dry Gulch
Synopsis for Crime Smasher: "One Hour to Live"
A man named Hodges comes into Alan Armstrong's office, and as soon as Hodges has ascertained his identity, knocks him to the floor with a punch. When Alan jumps right back up and gives as good as he got, Hodges is convinced he's come to the right man. Hodges offers Alan $1,000 to ensure he gets to the airport to safely make a flight out of the city. To elude the man who's been tailing Hodges, Alan puts on his overcoat and leaves the office to decoy the man away. Although Alan overwhelms the would-be assailant, a compatriot clubs him from behind. They take Alan inside a bowling alley and work him over, explaining in the process that they and Hodges were all participants in a phony stock scam, but they're after Hodges because he took off with all the money. They make to finish Alan off by dropping him in one of the lanes and crushing his head with a bowling ball, but he manages to free himself by extending the pin spikes and shearing through the ropes. He knocks them out with a bowling pin, then races to the airport and punches out Hodges just as he's stepping onto a plane to make good his escape.
Appearing in Crime Smasher: "One Hour to Live"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Hodges, matermind
- Corky and Buggsy, thugs
Other Characters:
Synopsis for Ibis the Invincible and the "Werewolves of Doom"
Taia reads in the paper of four trappers being killed by wolves out in the wilds of Ontario, specifically where a pair of their friends went hunting, and haven't spoken to the Egyptian couple since. Ibis decides to investigate, which suits Taia fine, as she'd guessed he would already packed their bags for the trip!
On their train ride out to Sansepat, Taia notices a wolfpack ominously following alongside the train, and that the Ibistick is quivering in response to supernatural evil. Things only get stranger, when they arrive and find the stationmaster's dead, shot through the head with a silver bullet after being attacked by wolves. Taia's disquieted by the way the man who told them what happened, said the stationmaster wanted to "stay dead". This causes Ibis to twig to the realization the victim was afraid of becoming a werewolf.
Soon they arrive at the hunting lodge of John and and his sister Mary Loring, who's surprised to see the couple but welcomes them in. Mary is out hunting, which makes Ibis suspicious, as it's getting dark out and they're in wild country that's been plagued by wolf attacks, after all. A wolf crashes through Taia's window, and is fended off by Ibis, who uses his magic to make its footprints luminous so they can track it. They only find Mary Loring, but John refuses to believe she's a werewolf. The next day, he and Ibis head into the woods to look into the wolf attacks. John tries to attack Ibis from behind, and reveals himself as the leader of the werewolves. John hid the Ibistick, but Ibis is not helpless, as he has a rifle loaded with silver bullets. With the rest of his pack killed, John runs back to the lodge to get revenge by killing Taia, but Ibis stops him by finding the Ibistick and consuming him in magical fire.
Appearing in Ibis the Invincible and the "Werewolves of Doom"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- John and Mary Loring, werewolves (Dies)
Other Characters:
- Also appearing in this issue of Whiz Comics were:
- Captain Marvel Club advertisement: "It's a Race!!"
- Comix Cards: "Captain Marvel" and "Captain Midnight"
- The Culture Corner: "How to Laugh at a Bum Joke" by Basil Wolverton
- Doc Sorebones: "A Sweet Prescription"
- Ezra of the Ozarks: "Let's Face It"
- Figure Frets: "Reducing"
- Mickey the Monitor
- Whipper-Snappers: "Health Hints" and "Medical Mirth"
- Wicky and O'Shawnessy: "Sherlock's Worst Case" (text story) by Rod Reed
- Wilbur the Waiter: "Food Blues"
See Also