Counting Coup is a Wonder Woman storyline written Greg Rucka and illustrated by Drew Johnson. It is Rucka's fourth arch, directly following Stoned, and is followed by the Flash crossover Truth or Dare. The story details Athena's coup on the throne of Olympus, with the somewhat reluctant aid of her champion, Wonder Woman.
Recommended Reading
- Wonder Woman Recommended Reading
- All-Star Comics (Volume 1)
- Comic Cavalcade (Volume 1)
- JLA (Volume 1)
- Sensation Comics (Volume 1)
- Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman (Volume 1)
- Superman/Wonder Woman (Volume 1)
- The Legend of Wonder Woman (Volume 1)
- The Legend of Wonder Woman (Volume 2)
- Wonder Woman (Volume 1)
- Wonder Woman (Volume 2)
- Wonder Woman (Volume 3)
- Wonder Woman (Volume 4)
- Wonder Woman (Volume 5)
- Wonder Woman (Volume 6)
Links and References
Wonder Woman Storyline |