DC Database

"Come Back To Me, Part Eleven: An Unfavorable Light": The Light Lords arrive on the Arena space station and start merging with its complex. Meanwhile, Diana drags Sibella by her neck with her lasso, she criticizes her for endangering the lives of others for her amusement. The alien princess tell

Wonder Woman Giant #6 is an issue of the series Wonder Woman Giant (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 2019. It was published on July 20, 2019.

Synopsis for "Come Back To Me, Part Eleven: An Unfavorable Light"

The Light Lords arrive on the Arena space station and start merging with its complex. Meanwhile, Diana drags Sibella by her neck with her lasso, she criticizes her for endangering the lives of others for her amusement. The alien princess tells the baron Baeloc and counselor D'Velos to alert the guard, but they run away stating she's on her own and Diana states it's because her subjects fear her. Near the docking bays, Diana's compatriots fight the guards to reach the ship they came in. Baeloc and D'Velos meanwhile meet the Light Lords, asking them to fulfil their agreement and take their people to Mana 8, but are instead killed.

As Diana's compatriots fight to get to their ship, they see the guards being incinerated by a mysterious light and flee away. Diana meanwhile herself fights Sibella after she breaks free of her hold and eventually subdues her, telling her to remember the good person she was when she fought alongside them. Sibella soon discovers that the Light Lords have arrived on her space station and are killing her people. She explains that the station is carrying 200 million people and explains their homeworld was Cineon, capital of a federation of ten planets. As the Light Lords started devouring the other planets, their survivors fled to Cineon for safety.

Sibella's parents tried to make a deal with Light Lords for soaring their world, but they were killed and their planet devoured of most life while the survivors fled in the space station through a wormhole which they closed with a gravity bomb. As the population expanded, so was the size of the station under Sibella's watch. She however grew bored and created her deadly games for her amusement. Her people however betrayed her out of hatred for her tyranny. Sibella states she doesn't know why the Light Lords are after her, but they're devouring the life on the station. Diana demands to know where her compatriots are and is shown a live feed of them fighting to get away in a spaceship.

After asking Sibella to allow her to communicate with her comrades and program their spaceship to go to Earth, Diana appears before them in a holographic after they notice that their ship turned on automatically and is programmed to go to Earth. she tells them that it will drop them off where they all first met and to leave her there. The others reject this, but Kate tells them the ship is already in flight and she can't stop it. She refuses to endanger their lives and wishes them well as Steve pleads with her to not send them away.

Appearing in "Come Back To Me, Part Eleven: An Unfavorable Light"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Baeloc (Dies)
  • D'Velos (Dies)
  • Light Lords (Flashback and main story)
  • Princess Sibella

Other Characters:

  • Captain Nate (Mentioned only)


  • Arena of Death
  • Cineon (Flashback only)
  • Mana 8 (Mentioned only)


Synopsis for "The Secret of the Cheetah: Part One"

This story is reprinted from Justice League (Volume 2) #13.

Five days after the Justice League's encounter with David Graves, Wonder Woman confronts Cheetah in Central Park. Diana pleads with Cheetah, as she wants to help free her friend from the villainous curse. Barbara rebuffs Wonder Woman's offer, believing that humans are really animals, and cattle to slaughter. While the two fight, Cheetah gains the upper-hand, injuring Wonder Woman, and leaving her on the ground.

The League takes Diana back to the Watchtower to recover, while Batman and Aquaman go visit Steve Trevor to find information about Cheetah. Trevor tells them that Barbara Minerva was Diana's first friend in Man's World, and she helped Diana and him solve mythological cases around the world. Barbara oversaw the Black Room at A.R.G.U.S, and one day received a Ritual Dagger from a lost tribe in the Amazon Rainforest. Barbara accidentally cut herself with it, and was possessed by the Goddess of the Hunt, and became the Cheetah.

Diana blames herself for what happened and wants to save Barbara alone, but the League insist on helping her. Cyborg tracks the tribe to the The Congo, where the team hears chanting. Suddenly, the Cheetah attacks the group, biting Superman, transforming him into a cheetah-man monster.

Appearing in "The Secret of the Cheetah: Part One"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Gimme Shelter"

This story is reprinted from Wonder Woman (Volume 3) #5.

At DMA headquarters, Sarge Steel plays a couple of advertisements for Athenian Women's Help Shelters for Diana Prince and Nemesis. The ads show abused women being inspired by Wonder Woman to find help and take control of their lives, sometimes going a little too far. Steel sends Diana and Nemesis to check out the shelter, as it's the closest thing they have to a lead in their search for Wonder Woman.

Diana meets with Allison Addison, the woman in charge of the shelter, who explains that the only link they have to Wonder Woman is that she was personally inspired by her example. As they talk, a woman urgently calls for help, and Diana flies off to help her. As Wonder Woman, she arrives at the address she overheard and breaks through the wall. She grabs the man, threatens him, chokes him, and throws him through the door to the front lawn, where he begs for the police to arrest him.

Later at DMA headquarters, Diana reports that there is no connection between the shelter and Wonder Woman. Elsewhere, a bailiff brings the abusive man's lawyer to meet with his client, and they find him quite dead and splattered all over the room.

Appearing in "Gimme Shelter"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Craig
  • Darla



Synopsis for "The Others: Conclusion"

This story is reprinted from Aquaman (Volume 7) #13.

Six years ago, on Siberia, Aquaman and The Others had saved a village from an avalanche after failing to catch Black Manta. Vostok-X tells him that he should be glad the village is safe, but Arthur asks him how can he care so much about the villagers if he was engineered to prefer a life of solitude. Vostok replies that he still has a heart just like Arthur.

In the present, Aquaman attempts to catch Manta, but the island begins to collapse. Mera takes the Others to safety, but Manta escapes once again.

As the Others regroup on the Operative's plane, Stephen Shin still feels sorry for betraying Arthur's father, but Arthur replies that it was him who killed Manta's father. Manta didn't even kill Tom Curry; he died of a heart attack. The doctor said it was inevitable, but he went after Manta anyway. The Operative says that Manta's father was a criminal, but that does not comfort Arthur.

He then goes to retrieve a new Aquaman uniform, telling Mera that he didn't tell her about the Others because he was ashamed of what he is. He believes that Aquaman is nothing but a costume. Mera replies that everyone makes mistakes, but he can learn from them. She hugs him, saying that Arthur should not undervalue who Aquaman truly is. Ya'Wara and the Prisoner admit Mera is right. Unlike them, Arthur changed and perhaps they should have changed. In that moment, the Operative's radar locates Manta in the eye of a storm.

Manta's ship rendezvous with an Atlantean craft. A mysterious voice comes from the Altantean ship, telling Manta to deliver the scepter of the Dead King, but Manta wants his payment first. The ship's door opens, revealing a soldier carrying a chest. According to the voice, the chest contains the spoils of the ship Manta and his father were salvaging when he died. Manta and the stranger also had another deal: whenever the stranger's plans are fulfilled, the surface will belong to Manta. Just as Manta as about to give the scepter to the soldier, Aquaman appears and takes the scepter.

The Others join the battle. Aquaman believes the Atlantean ship's commanding officer is his brother Orm. The ship's captain orders a retreat, while one of his soldiers takes the scepter from Aquaman. The stranger says that he still cannot face Aquaman.

Manta continues his attack, but Aquaman defeats him. Manta goads Aquaman into killing him, so that everyone knows what kind of murderer he is. Aquaman replies that he might kill him one day, but not like this.

Later, Manta and his men are placed under arrest. The Operative and Ya'Wara decide to work together to keep the relics safe. The Prisoner believes that he should go back to the hospital, but Aquaman tells him that he needs to make peace with the familes of the man that died around him.

The Prisoner visits a family in Cedar Falls, Iowa. There, he manifests the spirit of a fellow soldier, Paul, so that he can have a reunion with his wife and son.

Later, Aquaman, Mera and their dog stand on the dock at Amnesty Bay. Aquaman says that his father stood on the dock every morning to wait for his mother to return. But she never returned, and it broke his heart. Aquaman thanks Mera for accepting him and Mera promises never to leave Aquaman.

The Atlanteans watch Aquaman and Mera from afar. Knowing that Mera is a threat to their king's plans, they agree on moving her out of the way.

Appearing in "The Others: Conclusion"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
