You threatened to plunge three billion people into annihilation -- so an armored barbarian would be impressed--?
Wonder Woman #217 is an issue of the series Wonder Woman (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 1975.
Synopsis for "The Day Time Broke Loose"
Green Arrow is the latest Justice League monitor over Wonder Woman, and he trails her in the U.N. Building as Oliver Queen only to see her meeting with--Green Arrow! The phony GA is really the Duke of Deception, who confuses Diana by referring to her as Supergirl and then leaving. All over the building, delegates and officials are confused by Deception's illusions. Wonder Woman finds the Duke and attempts to lasso him, only to learn that the "Duke" she roped is an illusion and the real Deception now has her pent in the magic lasso. However, Wonder Woman penetrates Deception's illusions, breaks free, makes the Duke unsure of himself, and topples his power. Trapping him with the magic lasso, Wonder Woman makes him confess that he hoped to drive the U.N. delegates mad and plunge the world into war, thus making Mars, god of War, bow to him. Green Arrow, however, has been affected by the Duke's deceptions, and requires some hypnosis by Batman to set him straight.
Appearing in "The Day Time Broke Loose"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
Synopsis for "Return of Diana Prince"
This story is reprinted from Sensation Comics #9.
The real Diana Prince returns from South America with her husband, Dan White, who has developed an important military invention. Diana asks Wonder Woman for het identity, so she and Dan and her new baby can live in America. She briefly re-assumes her old name, but Dr. I.M. Cue (secretly Togo Ku, chief of Japanese spies) tries to steal Dan White's invention, and Diana is greatly endangered in the process. Dan's invention turns out to be a big success, so Lieutenant Diana ends up letting Princess Diana keep her old identity after all.
Appearing in "Return of Diana Prince"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Dan & Diana's baby (See Notes)
- General Hard
Synopsis for "Fun House of Time!"
This story is reprinted from Wonder Woman #101.
Steve Trevor calls Wonder Woman to meet up for their next date, completely oblivious to the fact that she is already in the office in her secret identity of Diana Prince. The two meet up and head to Frolic Park, a nearby amusement park that is about to unveil a new fun house attraction that very day, to which they have been invited to be the first to ride the attraction.
At Frolic Park, Wonder Woman and Steve are introduced to the fun house owner Ty M. Master who invites them to enter the fun house, which he boasts will allow them to travel through time. Assuming that it's all in good fun, Steve and Wonder Woman enter the fun house. Inside they find themselves in a room full of mirror faced doors. Entering one of the doors they are shocked to find themselves transported to pre-history and are surrounded by dinosaurs. They are grabbed by a pterodactyl who carries them off. When Steve tries to shoot the creature he is shocked to find his pistol doesn't work[1]. Wonder Woman saves the day when she spots a meteor heading toward the Earth. Roping it with her lasso, she uses it to pull themselves free from the creature and they land to safety.
While they are wondering what to do next they find themselves transported back to the room with the mirror faced doors. An image of Ty M. Master appears before them. He reveals himself to be the Time Master, and tells the two lovers that he has watched Wonder Woman from the Time Dimension and that he wanted to see if she can face any challenge he throws at her. He tells them that each room will transport them to a different time and they will be sent back if they manage to avoid whatever peril waits for them there. Their only way out will be correctly guessing which door the Time Master is hiding behind. When Wonder Woman tries to grab the specter before them, the Time Master boasts that he is a second out of sync with them and cannot be stopped unless they guess the right door.
The first door transports them to the Atlantic Ocean during the 13th Century. Caught in a whirl pool, Wonder Woman and Steve also notice that the Santa Maria -- the ship fated to bring Christopher Columbus to America -- is also at risk of being sucked down the whirl pool as well. Wonder Woman uses her strength and her magic lasso to pull the Santa Maria back safely on it's course, sending them back to the room again.
When it comes time to choose another door, Wonder Woman convinces Steve to stay behind. Which turns out to be a wise choice as Wonder Woman finds herself transported on top of an invading alien flying saucer attacking New York City. Wonder Woman manages to stop the invasion by tying her lasso to the radio tower of the Empire State Building and allowing lightning to strike it, causing the energy to run through to the alien ship causing it to explode and sending her back to her own time once more.
Realizing that this guessing process it too time consuming, Wonder Woman instead decides to use her super-human abilities to work for her: Vibrating at super-speed, Wonder Woman passes through each door without having to open them, thus preventing her from being transported to other eras until she can find the right one containing the Time Master.
This plan is a success and Wonder Woman pulls the Time Master out of the correct door. With his plot foiled, the Time Master teleports away and Wonder Woman and Steve flee the fun house as it begins to collapse. However, upon getting out safely they are surprised to find that the rubble of the fun house has disappeared just like it's creator.
Appearing in "Fun House of Time!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Santa Maria
See Also
Links and References
- ↑ Time travel rule that makes no sense: Wonder Woman surmises that the pistol doesn't work because it hadn't been invented yet