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"Through Destiny's Door": Two days after the destruction of Mount Olympus, a majority of Themyscira elects to reestablish official ties with Man's World. Though overjoyed, Diana acknowledges the island still contains many isolationists, led by the sculptress Hellene. On

Quote1 Whatever fates we are to meet, we shall face them together... as sisters... and Amazons! Quote2
Queen Hippolyte

Wonder Woman (Volume 2) #22 is an issue of the series Wonder Woman (Volume 2) with a cover date of November, 1988.

Synopsis for "Through Destiny's Door"

Two days after the destruction of Mount Olympus, a majority of Themyscira elects to reestablish official ties with Man's World. Though overjoyed, Diana acknowledges the island still contains many isolationists, led by the sculptress Hellene. Only after speaking with Hellene, and gaining her confidence, does the Amazon Princess depart for Man's World.

Meanwhile, Vanessa finds her boyfriend Barry has left her for recently-transferred cheerleader Lucy Spears; in addition, her geometry teacher is attempting to court her mother. Vanessa is left moody and sullen by these developments, but quickly recovers when Diana reappears and invites her and Julia to be Themyscira's first (official) visitors. Mother and daughter instantly agree, setting their visit for the upcoming weekend.

Elsewhere in New England, several unnatural figures emerge. One lands in a New Hampshire national park, and steals the appearance of a nearby backpacker; another, a woman in heavy robes, quietly investigates the homes of old Boston; a third commandeers the Plymouth Rock Memorial to spy on Diana and the Kapatelises from afar. All three are witnessed by a strange silver orb from outer space, which suddenly homes in on and violently pursues the robed woman.

Unaware of these parties, Diana tries to extend her invitations to Steve and Etta, but in vain - Steve is too busy with his new civilian job, and Etta has been sent on a top-secret assignment by the Air Force. While somewhat disappointed, Diana resolves to bring the two on some other visit and reaffirms the current timetable, promising that in a day, Julia and Vanessa will be the first mortals to truly know Themyscira.

Appearing in "Through Destiny's Door"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • Julia's station wagon


See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
