DC Database
DC Database

Woody Samms was a professional thief who swapped bodies with Clark Kent.

Stealing from a mobster named Tony Zarate resulted in Woody getting a price on his head. With the aid of Asabi, Woody learned to transfer his soul into the bodies of animals.

However, wanting the get rid of the contract on his life, Woody needed to take over Zarate (the only person who could cancel it). Woody's ability only extended to animals. Furthermore, he couldn't get near Zarate as himself. To accomplish his plan, Woody acquired the Zelig Stone (that allowed for transfers between humans) and changed bodies with Clark Kent. Woody's plans soon changed, when he realized that Kent was Superman.

Woody was no longer interested in getting rid of the contract on his life but decided to spend the rest of his life in Kent's body. Though, this proved problematic as his soul in Kent's body caused it to break down, losing its invulnerability. When the life of his daughter, Becky, was in danger, Woody agreed to give the body back to Kent. However, while Superman saved Becky, Woody was spotted and shot by Zarate. He would've died but managed to transfer his soul to the body of Zarate's dog.




  • The Zelig Stone

  • Woody Samms was portrayed by Tim Thomerson. While in the body of Clark Kent/Superman, Samms was portrayed by Dean Cain.
  • Woody Samms was born in 1952.



Superman Villain(s)
DC Bullet 2024

This character has been primarily an enemy of Superman in any of his various incarnations, or members of the Superman Family. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Superman Villains category."
