DC Database

Following the events of the "Superman: New Krypton" story-arc, Alura In-Ze creates an artificial planet called New Krypton in an attempt to get away from Earth following the death of Zor-El, and releases General Zod and his subordinates from the Phantom Zone. In response, Ear

World Without Superman is a multi-part story-arc that ran through alternating issues of the Superman Family of titles in 2009.


Following the events of the "Superman: New Krypton" story-arc, Alura In-Ze creates an artificial planet called New Krypton in an attempt to get away from Earth following the death of Zor-El, and releases General Zod and his subordinates from the Phantom Zone. In response, Earth's governments outlaw all Kryptonians except for Superman. In an effort to prevent any further Human/Kryptonian confrontations, Superman relocates to New Krypton to help his people rebuild their society. While assuming this duty, the protection of Metropolis and Earth is left in the hands of other heroes such as Supergirl, Guardian, Mon-El, Flamebird and Nightwing (hence the title). Unknown to Superman and his allies, General Sam Lane, Superman's presumed dead father-in-law, heads a secret government project designed to destroy the "threat" of the Kryptonians, even if it means provoking a conflict. At his disposal are some of Superman's oldest enemies, including arch foes Lex Luthor and Brainiac.



  • Though slightly different, "World Without A Superman" was also a subtitle for the storyline Funeral For A Friend, the second part of the Death of Superman storyline

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Superman - New Krypton Special 1
DC Bullet 2024

New Krypton Crossover
This issue is related to the Superman: New Krypton crossover, running through the Superman Titles between 2008 and 2009, involving the coming of a great number of new Kryptonians to Earth from the Bottle City of Kandor.

Superman Our Worlds at War Vol 1 TP
Superman Family Storyline
DC Bullet 2024

This event or storyline is specifically related to Superman, or to members of the Superman Family. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the Superman Storylines category.
