Wow Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of April, 1944.
Synopsis for Mary Marvel: "The Return of Uncle Marvel"
John Green, Construction Engineer, calls about strange accidents while he is building a Government Building. Uncle goes to the Building and trys to save some workmen from a falling steel girder. However Mary has got his message and becomes Mary Marvel. She stops the girder. Green says this keeps happening. They ask a workman if he saw what happened. He tries to crack Mary's ribs with a riveting hammer, but it breaks. However he refuses to reveal who he was working for, then pushes Uncle of the Building, and while Mary saves him from the 500 ft fall he vanishes. The crook reports the Marvels to his boss Crusher, a former crooked constructer, who says Captain Marvel once sent him up the river for 2 yrs. But he wants the contract. They go to Shazam Inc., where Mary is closing up for the night. They seize her, take her to Crushers Office and bind her hands and gag her. Then the workman, at Crushers orders, ties a bomb to her. She is put on rollers on a wire and shoved off. The thin wire stretches to the Building, which is how the workman got across. Now they hope the bomb will crash into the building and wreck it. However Uncle sees this and decides to use his secret invention, a Collapsible Rocket Motor to help him fly. He flies to Mary and pulls off her gag, enabling her to transform. The lightning explodes the bomb, saving the Building. Mary then defeats the crooks, and Green recognises his rival, who went to jail for crooked work once before. She then saves Uncle, whose rocket struck something making him go backwards. Mary saves him, and they collect the pay in war bonds.
Appearing in Mary Marvel: "The Return of Uncle Marvel"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Captain Marvel, Jr. (Cameo)
- Captain Marvel (Cameo)
Other Characters:
Synopsis for Commando Yank: "Commando Yank Battles His Friends"
Appearing in Commando Yank: "Commando Yank Battles His Friends"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
Synopsis for Richard Richard, Private Dick: "The Violin Case"
Appearing in Richard Richard, Private Dick: "The Violin Case"
Featured Characters:
- Richard Richard, Private Dick
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
Synopsis for Mr. Scarlet: "Meet the Homesick Hill-Billys"
Appearing in Mr. Scarlet: "Meet the Homesick Hill-Billys"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
Synopsis for Phantom Eagle: "The Underground Oasis"
Appearing in Phantom Eagle: "The Underground Oasis"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Starting in this issue, the capes and face-masks on Mr. Scarlet's and Pinky's costumes are changed from bright yellow to dull blue, with the capes' inner linings remaining yellow.
- Also appearing in this issue of Wow Comics were:
- Helpful Hugo
- Penny Graves: "The Death's-Head Horror" (text story) by Michael Remba
See Also