Young Justice: The Animated Series Vol. 1: The Early Missions is the first of a two-part new edition collecting Young Justice (Volume 2), a tie-in to the animated series.
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #0
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #1
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #2
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #3
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #4
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #5
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #6
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #7
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #8
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #9
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #10
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #11
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #12
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #13
- Young Justice/Batman: The Brave and the Bold Super Sampler #1