Young Justice: The Animated Series Vol. 2: Growing is the second of a two-part new edition collecting Young Justice (Volume 2), a tie-in to the animated series, as well as the two-chapter digital series Young Justice: Outsiders (Volume 1 (Digital)).
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #14
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #15
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #16
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #17
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #18
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #19
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #20
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #21
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #22
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #23
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #24
- Young Justice (Volume 2) #25
- Young Justice: Outsiders #1
- Young Justice: Outsiders #2